
Charter schools are subject to the Public Records Law (AG Op. No. 14-0074).

The intent of the requestor is not an issue. The only requirements to make a public records request is that the requestor be 18 years of age and not in felony incarceration.

A private company is a person under the law and can make public records requests. AG Op. No. 14-0010 discusses this very issue. In that opinion, the AG opines that the assessor’s digital maps and data are public records and should be made available to the requestor, even though the requestor is a private company with apparent intent to use information for marketing and profit. The custodian may charge a reasonable fee for a copy of the records.

If the document is a public record, absent an applicable exception, it will have to be provided to the requestor as provided by law; R.S. 44:1 et seq.

Louisiana Legislative Auditor website: 12/21/2024 11:55:25 PM